- General information
- Základní informace
- Introduction
- Úvod
- Program, záznamy přednášek, plakáty
- Programme, presentation, videos, posters
- About CIAA Net
- O Projektu CIAA Net
- Call for Papers
- Výzva pro účastníky
- Scientific Committee
- Vědecký výbor
- Registration
- Registrace
- How to get there
- Jak se k nám dostanete
- Accomodation
- Ubytování
- Useful links
- Užitečné odkazy
- Contacts
- Kontakty
- Fotogalerie
- Photo gallery
About CIAA Net
- The Chemistry is All Around Network project aims at stimulating the interest of students towards the study of Chemistry
- The project is funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme – Comenius sub programme – Networks Action.
- The CIAA Net project has 13 partners from 11 countries are Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Spain and Turkey.
More about project:
Project Portal: http://www.chemistryisnetwork.eu/